![thumbnail image](https://user-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_630,w_1200,f_auto,q_auto/1751300/225920_617106.png)
When the threshold of Noticing is exceeded, it triggers Awareness sensations in any of your 5 Bodies (Physical Body, Intellectual Body, Emotional Body, Energetic Body, and Archetypal Body).
"Ahhh! Now I Notice this!"
But what Notices?
There is a 'General Field Of Consciousness'.
When the General Field Of Consciousness spins it creates matter.
When the General Field Of Consciousness interacts with matter, this creates a 'Local Field Of Consciousness'.
Qualities of the Local Field Of Consciousness depend on the 5-Body structure of the matter.
A rock manifests a different Local Field Of Consciousness than a banana tree, which manifests a different Local Field Of Consciousness than a raccoon, which manifests a different Local Field Of Consciousness than the naked apes called 'human beings'.
Individual human beings Notice different things one from another. The cow herder in Senegal Notices different things to accomplish her cow herding than an Audi driver on the German autobahn Notices to accomplish her car driving. Different 5 Body Distinctions are required for different Noticings. You can make it your hobby to put yourself in circumstances where it becomes Necessary for you to Notice new Awareness sensations.
Not only that, but the human capacity to Notice more subtle, overreaching, or complex Awareness sensations can develop over time through making Healings, Initiations, and Transformations on the Evolutionary Path. One way this occurs is through Building Matrix to hold more Distinctions and catch more Consciousness to become more Aware.
A human being can become Aware enough to detect their own Awareness (to Split Your Attention and become Aware of what you are Aware of) and enter a Waking State.
When the structure of matter is sophisticated , complex , and refined enough, the interaction between the General Field Of Consciousness and the Local Field Of Consciousness causes Self-Awareness.
Human beings have the potential to Notice the sensations of Self-Awareness.
I can put my attention on a room, but what do I notice in the room?
I can put my attention on a person, but what do I notice in the person?
Notice how what is Noticed depends on the Purpose, the Matrix, and the needs in the person Noticing.
There are these magnets, noticing magnets. For example, there is a thing called charge, 'emotional charge'.
You notice things that have more emotional charge for you.
The things you don't have charge for you, you don't notice at all.
You can develop an ability to Notice your Noticing to the point that it becomes 'charge-neutral'.
If you can be charge neutral with your Noticing, you gain access to Doorways that were previously unnoticeable. You gain access to options, choices, dimensions of spaces, qualities of spaces, which you could not access before because they did not have enough charge, or had too much charge for you to notice them.
Noticing is first used for Survival.
Noticing for Living is very different than noticing for Survival.
Noticing for Living is a broad band multidimensional Noticing. It has a different purpose.
Every space has a protocol, this is so important, it is mostly ignored that every Space has a protocol.
Protocol is the Rules of Engagement of a space. It is a magical power to be able to develop sensitivity to Notice the Protocol of spaces because then you can slide into really precious conversations with people where the protocol of the conversation space has this respect for certain qualities of listening, questions, enquiry, where you journey together in the space. If you are blundering through the protocols of a space, the space has to protect itself from you. If you can have the respectful noticing of the protocol of spaces, if you develop that, then spaces do not have to protect themselves from you, in fact they welcome you. Precious archetypal spaces are hungry to collaborate with participants who notice the protocols of the spaces.
(NOTE from Clinton Callahan: The way I started discovering that Spaces existed, and that each Space has a specific Protocol, and that whether you are aware of the Protocol of a Space truly matters, was by being in Lee Lozowick's spiritual school. At first I was totally unaware of Protocols of Spaces and I was blundering through them. The first time I entered a formal meditation Space, I sat down on the women's side and I was completely unaware of it. One of the men had to come over and whack me on the shoulder and make me look around to see that I was only surrounded by women, and that the men were sitting over on the other side of the room. I was in a ceremony in India with a group of men and my teacher, Lee Lozowick, was inviting the guys to participate in the ritual and he did not pick me until the very end of the ceremony because he was embarrassed because the ritual was almost over. I was still unpicked and so he picked me and after all of that I walk in and they hand me this ghee and I pour the ghee over the thing in the wrong direction. I went counter clockwise, and he had to stop me and indicate that I did not notice that every other person was pouring clockwise, and this is how I was brought in to noticing the protocol of spaces... the long, hard, slow, painful way, by making many mistakes. The awful pain of shattering a sacred space - or the Possibility of a Sacred Space - is a life-long wake-up call.) (Editor's Note: Clinton shares hundreds of further distinctions and tales from his 21 years in Lee Lozowick's spiritual school in his book: No Reason, available from Thoughtware Press.)
When you Build Matrix and gain enough Distinctions to Notice and adopt subtle Protocols of Spaces, your Space Navigation evolves. For example, Spaces thrive when you Notice where to put your Attention, where to NOT put your Attention, how to breathe, stand, connect, or not connect, navigating conscious and unconscious intentions, what your purpose, what is your quality of relationship between you and other people, and how you are working together, or not working together, who has Status, and where is your status in the Space, what's too loud and what's too soft, how to dress, how to drink your tea, how to pass things to another person, should you serve people or should you wait to be served, how loud can you speak, which subjects or styles of speaking feeds the Space and which kinds of speaking detracts from or destroys the Space, what vocabulary is wanted and needed to nurtures the space, what vocabulary contaminates the space, all these things - and much more - are protocols of a Space. When you Notice and make choices in full Awareness of these Protocols, then Spaces and their Deities welcome you in in an entirely different way.
Noticing will also give you information about getting out of spaces. You need to develop a sensitivity to "hell, no, this is not a space for me. Somethings going to happen that I don't want to participate in, this space has a purpose that don't want to belong to. There are all these characteristics of spaces, and if you are sensitive to the protocol of space then you find out "get me out" and you just move, you can leave.
This adds into how can you be invisible in a space. How can you move through and participate collaboratively, how do. you move and participate invisibly in a space so that you can not disturb the Wah, Wah is a Chinese word for he energy, the normal quality of a space.
In a way it's like scanning, but you use scanning to notice potential. To see potential you have to notice what is not there. Potential is something that is possible to be there but is not there. In order to create possibility you have to be able to see the invisible and do the impossible. Notice and document potential. So often we assume that because potential isn't potentialized, brought into reality, that it is not possible for that to be there yet. So we basically ignore potential, we've been trained to ignore potential. But a Possibilitator needs to train in a different way, to train to notice potential so that we have the possibility of calling it forth, by giving birth to it or removing the blocks to it or empowering it or giving it new distinctions so it can unfold, or accompanying it through the unfolding process, like handling the emotionality that it comes up around bringing potential to life. But we have to be able to notice the potential first. Notice the matrix, what can the matrix hold in terms of enlivening potential or in terms of the speaking or listening that could come out.
I like to speak into the maximum amount of listening possible and work with the maximum amount of potential possible so I often leave people behind in a talk because I speak to the highest potential or the highest quality of listening. The reason I do that is because I am interested in the recording, so I am actually speaking for the people who are not there, the ones who could possibly make use of this, and I will leave people behind in the audience. There are other people who speak to the lowest listening; they go very slow, baby steps, and then you don't lose any body, you don't leave any body behind, but then the geniuses are bored. Where is the stuff for building the genius wizard sorceress department? This is my interest in that.
Notice how far we can go in this journey, who can hang on for the ride. And if you're losing everybody there won't be any listening.
How do you notice the maximum listening that is possible?
Every single phrase, every sentence, every distinction, lands in a space and in people's matrix in a certain way. Notice how it lands in the space. By noticing how it lands, you know to what degree it is heard. It builds out a listening for the next things and builds out a listening for the next thing.
You can notice interest and excitement or , notice people noticing that you are doing Discovery Speaking. Notice if you skip over something, if you start talking about something where there is no segue. Unless you take the people with you there is no value in that.
Notice for the tingling in the air. How does it splash? Space is like Jell-O; it has certain density and qualities. What is spoken impacts the space with its vibrations. Does it bounce off or is it getting sucked in? Does it make ripples? Does it splash up and out of the space?
These all have to do with qualities of Listening. What can the Space hold? Notice how it ripples.
One guy sitting in a Space can get a Distinction, while the guy sitting directly next to him doesn't get it at all.
Perhaps saying something like, "Look at it this way. It's the quality of the green," and the person says, "Ah! I get it now."
If you try to land Distinctions in a Space faster than the speed that Distinctions can land in a Space, then the Space crashes. You crashed the Space. People get scared and lose their receptivity to new Clarity and new Possibility. They shut down and their Gremlin leaps forward to defend their Boxes.
To Navigate Healing, Initiatory, or Transformational Spaces, you need to stay within the speed limit of the medium that you are in. That speed limit is detectable as the quality of the Listening in the Space.
The Noticing Cycle
Dear team,
I repeated the noticing exercise about three times.
I notice mostly a self-referred cycle:
- physical sensation in me
- emotions in me
- external observations
- thoughts and stories in me
- emotions in me
Purpose : controlling my feelings; what is possible to express, what not ?Wish : My noticing cycle is survival for being accepted and to receive some love.
Nothing about living full out!I was liquid for several days and with emotional sadness about being unconscious.
Today, there is some letting-go about becoming "a better person" and more acceptance of my Gremlin-box-survival-strategy of being serious, profound and working all the time on myself.
Feels more relaxed.
Love, IngridNoticing Vs. Meaning Making
derived from an article by Law Turley
You might see a man, tall, slim and tanned, with a shaved head and looking — to your mind — like he has done a lot of personal development workshops before. You might immediately make a whole load of stories about this man. You might tell yourself that you know exactly the kind of person he is, from the way he settles himself into his chair at the café floor, the way he arranges his hands in his lap, his clothes and the bracelet he wears around his wrist. He may smile and you may instantly judge his smile to be 'fake', and him to be ‘one of those new-age phonies who pretend they are cool with everything by exuding 'zen'.
All of these stories, judgements and imaginings about who this stranger is may take you less than a second to make. Before you even say, "Hello," you confidently tell yourself, "I totally have this guy’s number. I know him inside and out." Living in your world of imagined meanings may have become your whole life.As meaning-making machines with always-active minds, the stories we create about the things we see come very easily to us. So easily in fact, that we sometimes forget that that’s all they are: stories.
Instead of perceiving, you conceive, and then use your concepts as if they are reality.
Understanding the difference between what you notice — the thing you actually hear or see, and what you imagine — the story you make up about what it means, allows you to create space between the real thing that happened and your seamless ‘meaning making’ machinery. You can interrupt the process, notice the story I’m creating, and instead choose something different.
I can choose to connect with the person directly, and check out what’s really going on for them.
You may be one of those 'good listeners' who recognize other people’s emotions and then anticipate their needs, making yourself valuable, and thereby keeping yourself safe.
You may use these skills to find and keep a partner even if they communicate their emotions very little. You may have spent the previous twenty years in your relationships imagining what your partner is thinking and feeling instead of asking. You may eventually come to think that because you are so good at reading your partner's expressions, tone, mood, body language, that — actually — you don't need to communicate much at all.
You may believe that you understand what your partner wants and needs from years of observation to the degree that your ‘imaginings’ about their inner world are no longer seen by you as imaginings. They have instead become ‘extremely likely fact-based predictions’.
Many people believe they can ‘read’ people. — I’ve even met people who believe they genuinely have supernatural abilities and can feel other people’s emotions — and my experience of working with couples (and of my own relationship) has led me to a different understanding.Relying on your imaginings can be severely counterproductive to genuine connection. Instead you can begin with a Being-To-Being connection and no stories at all. You can meet someone - even someone you have known for decades, even someone you have slept with, eaten with, danced with, worked with - and completely not know them. You can allow yourself -and them - to start over again, fresh, each time you meet. Then you can test reality, ask the other person questions about what is going on for them instead of making assumptions, projections, expectations, and Gremlin-feeding conclusions. You can even share with them the stories your Box or Gremlin or Child parts might have suggested that you make up about them so that you could live in Reactivity, or in a Fantasy World. These behavior change Experiments and Practices help to create more authentic intimacy.
If you try Noticing rather than Meaning Making in your private and working relationships, you may be quite surprised that such a simple adjustment to the way you relate and communicate can make such a huge difference in the experience of your relating.
Other Experimenters have said, "Relating now feels less like a load of accusations and more like a conversation,” and "Now she tells me how she feels rather than how I feel."
You cannot truly know how someone else feels. Thinking that you do — thinking that your imagining is noticing — often fuels disconnection and creates resentment.
My story as a RH practitioner — and as one half of a whole lot of successful relationships — is that considering myself a ‘noticing being’ rather than a ‘meaning making machine’ has changed me more than I could have ever imagined. Learning to separate the meaning I make from my noticings, and to share both of them, has helped me become a calmer, kinder and more patient human being, as well as a better partner, parent, therapist and friend.
And whilst I still hugely value my empathy, and my ability to attune and to interpret other people’s emotions, I am careful never to rely entirely on those interpretations. Believing that I can ‘read’ another human being, and that I don’t need to ask them questions about what it is I imagine, means I’m only ever having half of a conversation. But most importantly, it also robs us both of a unique opportunity to truly connect.
Here are three examples of thinking that your imaginings and interpretations are true:
Your friend replies to your heartfelt text message by sending only an emoji:
You imagine he’s annoyed with you, so you make yourself sad and hurt with a story that he thinks you are just a nuisance.Your wife moves away from you in bed:
You imagine she has decided she doesn’t find you attractive any more, and you make yourself angry and frightened with your story that she has met someone else and she will leave you.Your husband drops his dirty clothes on the floor instead of putting them into the laundry basket:
You imagine he expects you to pick up and wash his dirty clothes, and you make yourself angry and resentful with your story that he wants you to take care of him like he is an irresponsible patriarch and you are his mother.AFTER SEPARATING NOTICING FROM MEANING MAKING
Here are the same three examples when you stop believing in your own stories and interpretations about what is going on and instead use Radical Honesty to see what is actually happening for the other person instead:
Your friend replies to your heartfelt text message by sending only an emoji:
You tell your friend that when he replied to you with an emoji, you imagined that he was bored with you and that he finds you irritating. You tell him that you often scare yourself by telling yourself a story that you are irritating. Then you ask him if he would be willing to let you know what he was thinking and feeling when he sent you the emoji.Your wife moves away from you in bed:
You tell your wife that when she moved away from you, you made yourself feel sad and scared with a story that she does not want you to touch her. You tell her that you worry yourself with what this could mean for your marriage. Then you ask her if she is willing to tell you what she was actually thinking and feeling when she moved away.Your husband drops his dirty clothes on the floor instead of putting them into the laundry basket:
You tell your husband that when you saw that he did not put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, you made yourself feel angry with him by telling yourself the story that he is a patriarch expecting you to be a slave that takes care of everything around the house like his mother. You ask him if your story is true.Noticing Experiments
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
How far, wide, and deep can you expand and refine your Noticing?
Matrix Code NOTICING.01
This Experiment is to be done in groups of 3, sitting in chairs, with one person being the Possibilitator who practices Noticing, the person opposite the Possibilitator being themselves, and the person to the side of the Possibilitator being the Spaceholder of the Experiment and the Coach for the Possibilitator, sword out, making distinctions with Clarity and Possibility. This is also an excellent Experiment for Worktalks, Workshops, and Trainings.
Have people sit in chairs directly across from their partner, and tell them something you ‘notice’ about them. The noticing has to be something that you can observe in the present moment, using one of your five senses, and ideally should be something objective rather than subjective. i.e. not an interpretation but a pure noticing.
Name what you notice as if you are a baby noticing what you are seeing for the first time.
After you have ‘noticed’ the thing in the dumbest way possible, then say the judgment or thought you have added to your noticing. For example:
- “I notice the shape and color of your eyes. I imagine they are beautiful.”
- “I notice the reflections from your black shoes. I imagine they were expensive.”
- “I notice the texture of your skin. I imagine you moisturize it.”
Then change roles and repeat the practice.
The point of this Experiment is to Experience in 5 bodies the difference between what is ACTUALLY Noticed, which is neutral, story-free, interpretation-free, meaning-free... and how quickly the Box and Gremlin add meanings and interpretations that twist what is Noticed into emotion-packed Reactivity that creates tons of very ordinary, very 'exciting' but actually very boring Low Drama Gremlin food.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one of the stories you created doing the experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.02
We all have ways of blocking our Noticing. This experiment is about noticing those blocks.
Make a list in your BEEP! Book of the ways that you block what you can notice.
What specific ways do you distract yourself, numb yourself, overwhelm yourself, judge yourself, criticize, yourself, hate yourself, and diffuse your attention, and spread it out all over the place so it's not focused?
Write all the examples you can think of, of how you block your ability to notice.
Then, for three days in a row, notice how many times in each day you block your own noticing.
Which technique did you use?
Which techniques did you miss when you wrote the list? Add them to the list.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write a block to your Noticing. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.03
Noticing builds capacity for further Noticing.
Each day, for a week, notice for something specific to strengthen your Noticing muscles.
Write a list of seven things you want to build your capacity to notice. Then Declare which things you will notice on each day.
For example it could be:
- MONDAY: Notice the color of your Grounding Cord 5 times.
- TUESDAY: Notice how often you give your Center away to a member of the opposite gender.
- WEDNESDAY: Notice how many Doorways you avoid going through during the day.
- THURSDAY: Notice how many times you say the American Zombie Mantra "um".
- and so on.
To do this you will also need to split your attention between what you Notice and Noticing what you do or do not Notice.
At the end of each day, document how it went for you in your BEEP! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Please list the 7 things you chose to Notice during this Experiment in the Proof section. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.04
You have 5 bodies: a physical, an intellectual, an emotional, an energetic, and an archetypal body.
Each of your Bodies has an experience of everything that is happening.
Spend 15 minutes each day for 7 days consciously asking for an individual report from each of your 5 Bodies about what it is currently Noticing.
Log one interesting or useful thing from each of your 5 Bodies on each day on a page in your Beep! Book titled:
DAY 2 etc.
Physical: etc.
DAY 7.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz, and list one of your 5 Body Noticings as the Proof. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code NOTICING.05
The Edge is the place where something new can happen, what a fun place to be!
How to know where the Edge is? Your Fear knows. Your Edge is where your Fear is. You can use your Fear to find the Edge of the comfort zone of your Box. You say: "Hello Fear, where am I scared to go?". For example, in a conversation, at your place of work, which shops do you never go in when walking down the street, which book are you afraid of reading, in which situations are you afraid to express your feelings and which one; which domain of the archetypal lineages are you afraid of going into?
You might discover that there are edges for all 5 Bodies.
- Physical Edges are at the limit of your physical body to achieve something. My running edge is 5 km an hour. I have an edge to knitting.
- Intellectual Edges are new concepts, distinctions, assumptions and stories that are outside of the spaces or gameworlds current understanding.
- Emotional Edges are at the limit of how and where you are currently able to feel and express your feelings.
- Energetic Edges have to do with energetic spaces and the purpose of thoughts, words and actions.
- Archetypal Edges are to do with your identity as a space through which archetypal forces and characters can come through you.
This experiment is to notice for a week where 15 of your Box Edges are, 5 for each body. In your Beep!Book log in the edges you discover under a page titled 5 BODY EDGES. Write down what the edge is and the type of edge (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic and archetypal).
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write about an Edge that you did not expect. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.06
The Edge is the place where something new can happen, what a fun place to be!
How to know where the Edge is? Your Fear knows. The Edge is where Fear is. You can use your Fear to find the Edge of the comfort zone of other peoples' Box. For example, what are they afraid of doing, saying, in which situations, with whom, where do they avoid to hangout, what books are they afraid of reading, what shops do they never go in when walking down the street, in which situations are they afraid to express their feelings, which one? Use your Fear to scan for other Boxes Edges.
For a week notice the Edges of 10 peoples' Box and write them down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one Edge that you discovered during the experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code NOTICING.07
There are 7 kinds of speaking. You are doing them unconsciously. The question is, can you learn to speak consciously? Can you start, stop, and shift to a different kind of Speaking for a different Purpose?
Three times each day for the next week, please write down in your Beep! Book:
- What are you saying?
- Why are you saying that? What is your Purpose?
- Who do you think you are speaking to over there?
- To what degree are you speaking to that person with no stories or meanings attached?
- To what degree are you speaking to your Mirror? Your Projections? Your unconscious fears? Your Expectations? Etc.
- Which of your Parts are you speaking from?
- Which of your Ego States is speaking?
- Who are you not speaking to?
- Why are you not speaking to them?
NOTE: Emotions may arise while you Notice these details about your Noticing, because often times, whatever you do not Notice is not Noticed for a Reason, a Survival Strategy Reason. You don't want to see what you don't want to see. Changing what you Notice comes from changing the shape of what in you is Noticing. Such a change will certainly involve going all the way through one or more Liquid States. Please do the Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) that will change the shape of the Noticer in you.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you noticed about your speaking. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.08
There are 6 essential forms of Listening.
Each produces vastly different results.
Want intimacy, connection and evolution?
If so, it will help you to know the difference.
For example, Normal Neurotic Listening is for Your Gremlin and is unlikely to make the other person feel heard and understood. Probably not the best basis for a loving conversation.
Possibility Listening on the other hand, will create a space where the Bright Principle of Possibility can move through the other person and into the space your are lovingly holding. What if time with your loved one resulted in a whole new life for them? Yes, it's possible.
Which kind are you using now?
If you do not know that you do not know about something, can it still affect your life? Yes.
Once you can experientially distinguish the 6 Kinds of Listening you can make creative choices that you could not make before about the kinds of interactions you are creating.
This experiment is to use your Noticing to notice which listening is happening in a space, which listening is possible and how you can create a deeper form of listening in the space. For example, when giving a talk any audience has an average or generalized ability to listen. How can the ability and capacity of listening be built in your audience? How can it be built in yourself? You also as a listener have a capacity to listen.
First Part of the Experiment
For a week, write down in your Beep! Book the different types of listening that you notice in a space with an example.
Second Part of the Experiment
The following week, notice what type of listening is possible in a space that would change the shape of the space. Write it down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write what you noticed about which listening is possible in a space. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.09
It is possible to increase our noticing by also noticing what other people are noticing.
For one week, when you are around other people, notice what they are noticing. What are they noticing that you had not noticed?
Once a day, for this week, say to at least one person, "I notice that you are noticing..." and reflect back to them what you notice they are noticing. Notice what happens as they take that in, and notice what happens while they notice what there is to notice about having taken it in.
Write an entry in your BEEP! Book about Noticing What Other People Are Noticing.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something other people are noticing that surprised you. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.10
You can use your scanner to detect the things you notice that other people do not.
For one week, when you are around other people, notice what they are not noticing.
At least once a day for every day in this week, sit somewhere where there are people and lots of things to notice.
For at least 30 minutes watch people, and write down in your BEEP! Book about Noticing What Other People Are Not Noticing.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write the details of what someone else did not notice that surprised you. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.11
Different people notice with different Parts of themselves, for example they notice with their belief system or with their physical needs, social status pressure, political mind or physical senses.
For a week, when you are around people, your partner, housemate, children, and strangers, notice what they are noticing with.
Also notice why are they using what they are noticing with. What is their purpose? What parts are they noticing with, and why?
At least once in every day for the week, write in your BEEP! Book about what you notice from doing this experiment.
Alternately, with a partner who is also doing this experiment, share about what you noticed on a phone call, by sending messages or by sharing photos of what you wrote in your BEEP! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write . This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.12
You have Parts. In one moment, you are committed to bringing your destiny into the world. A few hours later, another part is in control, one who just wants to sit around watching Netflix.
The same goes for your noticing. In one moment, you might be noticing opportunities for your Archetypal Lineage to come into the world. In the next, you're keeping your eyes out for chances to get laid or land a slimey gremlin superiority story to one of your mates.
You can notice what you notice with.
You could be noticing with:- Your emotional fears
- Your Box's protection mechanisms
- Your Gremlin opportunities
- Your physical sex opportunities
- Your should/should not programs from society
This experiment is to notice what you are noticing most with. What are your 3 most powerful Noticers? Document them in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one of the things you notice with most often. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.13
Do this experiment with your Possibility Team.
In groups of three or four, take a turn having other people tell you the kinds of things that they notice that you don't notice.
Have them give specific examples.
Have them also say why you don't notice these things.
- What is the payoff for you to not notice them?
- What are you hiding? What are you pretending? What are your illusions and delusions?
- What assumptions and expectations make it so you do not notice these things.
- What is the technology of your not noticing?
Take notes in your BEEP! Book.
Have each of the people in your team take a turn hearing from the others about the things others notice they don't notice and why, and what is the payoff.
When you have read over your notes, notice what you think and feel about what others told you about what you don't notice and why.
After completing this experiment each person register Matrix Code NOTICING.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write your payoff for not noticing something. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.14
Everything has a purpose.
Want to be of service in the world? Then you better find out when your purpose is serving your Upperworld of your Bright Principles and when it is serving your Underworld.
The same goes for your noticing.
Thankfully you were born with a Purpose Sniffer: the ability to detect the purpose of your own and others actions.
This is a responsible universe. The results don't lie. It's simple really.
Did this action produce more connection, clarity etc in the space?
Or did it leave you and your comrades swimming in a swamp of Resentment, Gremlin Feeding and Low Drama?
Sure, you might make an accident. What did you do, or not do, to cause the circumstances that allowed this 'accident' to happen? Do you get it? In the responsible universe there aren't any accidents. There are simply unconscious purposes. To ignore purpose is to set yourself up to be naive.
This experiment is to notice the purpose behind what you notice. For an entire day, every time you notice something. Use your Purpose Sniffer to detect the purpose. Are you noticing for Survival or for Living? Is there a gremlin purpose in play? Superiority?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you notice you noticed and what the purpose was. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.15
With another person, preferably one who has also shifted their identity to become an experimenter, go for a walk in nature and notice what you notice, what they notice, what you do not notice, and what they do not notice.
Take turns talking about it, for example:
"I notice that tree grew straight up until it was half as tall as it is now, and then it grew sideways and up again."
"I didn't notice that. Now that I notice it, I notice there is a bigger tree beside it, blocking the light."
"I noticed that. Now I am noticing that you didn't notice the bird that flew from that tree over there to the tree over there."
"I didn't notice the bird. I noticed a bird's calling. I noticed another bird answer it."
...and so on.
Also notice the thoughts and feelings that happen for you while you do this experiment. Before you leave the place you go to walk, stop to write for at least 20 minutes in your BEEP! Book about doing the experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something your learnt about your noticing in nature. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.16
For this experiment, plan a route through a part of a city and plan to go back again to where you started by the same route. For example, do it if you go on an errand from your home, go back home the same way.
Before you set out, Split Your Attention so that part of your attention is devoted to noticing, during the outward trip of the errand. Do not do this experiment when you are the driver for this outing. It is best to do it when you are walking, but you can do it if someone else is driving.
On the outward trip, notice what you notice. Notice what you are not noticing. Are you noticing cracks in the pavement and the sounds of different cars and trucks? Are you noticing the people of the opposite sex but not those of the same sex? Are you noticing the business people and the children? The garbage? The smells? The street signs? Just notice what you are noticing.
Before you set out on the trip back by the same route, Split Your Attention again. As you make the trip back, notice what you notice that you noticed on the first trip. Notice what you did not notice on the first trip. Notice if you missed noticing something on the second trip that you noticed on the first, but only noticed afterwards.
When you get home, write an entry in your Beep! Book, or record a video about doing this experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you noticed in the city. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.17
Do this experiment when you are with another person in the city.
Notice what they are Noticing and not Noticing. Say what you notice about their Noticing out loud to them in real time, no time delay. Your Experiment is to create the chance for them to shift.
For example, if you are in a grocery store, do they notice the quality of the food but not the prices? Do they notice the businessman but not the person with the "Will Work For Food" sign? Do they notice the smells?
Ask them.
If they ask why you are asking, let them know you have become an experimenter, and are doing research about noticing, and notice if that changes their noticing.
After the outing, for at least 20 minutes write in your BEEP! Book about what happened doing this experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you learnt. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.18
Conscious Noticing depends on something called emotional charge.
Whether it is Anger, Sadness, Fear or Joy, emotional charge makes a difference as to what you are and are not Noticing.
Notice this about your Noticing.
For this experiment, start a new page in your BEEP! Book titled, NOTICING EMOTIONAL CHARGE. Write a list of things you Notice that you tend to Notice, that have emotional charge for you. Next to each item, write which emotion (anger, sadness, fear, or joy) that caused you to Notice the thing, and what it was about.
For example, you might Notice how close children stay (or do not stay) to their parents, because you feel fear about them becoming separated. You might notice wrappers on the ground outside, because you feel anger about littering. You might notice how few people are in the park, because you feel sad about Covid. You might notice the weather app on your phone because you feel joy about spring coming.
For the next two days, notice what you are noticing and the emotional charge happening. After two days, revisit the page in your BEEP! Book and add anything that you want to add.
For another two days, keep going. Write again after another two days.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write what was the biggest emotional charge reactivity that you Noticed. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.19
Every space has its own unique taboos and prejudices which affect what you are allowed to notice and what you must notice.
For example, in certain work spaces, you must notice how your tie matches your shirt, or what brand name of clothing is being worn. In your family, you must not notice how much Uncle Joe drinks, and you must notice when someone is having a birthday.
How do the taboos and prejudices of each kind of space influence what you must and must not notice in those spaces?
Have a conversation in your Possibility Team where the experiment is to explore how prejudice and taboos are still alive in different spaces.
Talk about how your parents, the church, the education system, politics and political parties, or certain work environments have prejudice and taboo change what you are not allowed to notice, and what you must notice.
Here are some questions to use for this experiment. Each person can make charts in their BEEP! Books, or flip charts/shared documents can also be used.
1. What are the spaces you are in these days?
2. What taboos and prejudices are happening in those spaces?
3. What is to be noticed in the spaces?
4. What is NOT to be noticed in the spaces?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write a taboo or prejudice you noticed. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.20
In every group space, power is flowing all of the time.
Usually we are totally unconscious of it. It's invisible.
Which means most likely it's in service of the biggest Gremlin in the room whose using the space for his own feeding. Your Gremlin in turn might be salivating at the chance to play Low Status, feeling protected by a hierarchy and ALWAYS having someone to blame.
Something else is possible.
First, learn to notice the Power Flow. This is the flow of power and status in the space.
Ask yourself:
- Who is speaking more?
- Asking more questions?
- Answering more questions?
- Who is taking up space?
- Does someone have a strong coolness factor?
- Who has more status? How can you tell?
- Who is being look at and listened to?
This experiment is to for the next 5 meetings that you attend, or during conversations between friends: notice the Power Flow. Document what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you Notice about how power flows. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.21
Possibility Managers live from the phrase: Something else is possible right now.
But what good is that if they are unable to notice what else is actually possible.
This experiment is to spend a whole day noticing what else is possible in every situation, every interaction, every conversation.
The Bright Principle of Possibility is always there waiting to come into a space. All you need is to find the necessity in yourself for something to be different.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write a possibility that you discovered while doing the experiment! This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.22
If you go in a bank there is one protocol. If you go in your neighbour's kitchen, there is another protocol. If you go to a Practice Space there is a different protocol. If you go to a funeral or ceremony there is a different protocol.
Every space has a protocol. This is a journey of exploration.
For this experiment, enter a total of ten different spaces during a week, and document the protocols of each space.
The point is to notice ten different spaces with ten different protocols.
For each space you enter, write out the protocol for that space in your BEEP! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write about a protocol you noticed. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.23
Different people notice differently, as you will have noticed doing some of the other experiments above.
This is an experiment about noticing protocols in spaces, and how noticing is different for different people.
Go into a space with two other people, maybe with people who are part of your 3 Cell, where you each document the protocols of the space.
After moving through the space and noticing the protocols, and writing your own notes about it, compare notes with the other two people.
Notice what they notice that you did not notice and what you notice that they didn't notice, and notice why.
When you have done this, move some more through the space together, noticing what more you notice from comparing notes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write a protocol you noticed. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.24
What are the protocols about the qualities of relating with others in the space? How are you meeting or not meeting them? Are you speaking more loudly, or more quietly, or moving more slowly or quickly in the space than the protocols of the space? Who or what is the presiding deity of the space, and how is your alignment with them?
For one week, in spaces you are in, notice how you slip in or out of alignment with the protocols of the space.
How do you know? What do you notice about how it goes when that slipping happens? Hint: one of the signs will be Reactivity. How do you keep from slipping further?
Each day for a week, for about 20 minutes a day, write in your BEEP! Book about how this experiment goes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write a protocol that you slipped out of. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.25
Every space has a presiding deity. You can notice them.
The presiding deity is sort of the founder of the protocol of the space, the guardian, and you can greet and come into alignment with the presiding deity of the space, and all of a sudden you have a power that other people don't have because they are not connected to the presiding deity of the space.
For this experiment, for as long as it takes to document 10 spaces, notice the deity of the spaces you are in.
When you enter the space, enter with the intention of noticing the deity of the space. Become Committed to this kind of noticing.
Before you fully leave the space, stop and be still for at least five minutes while you connect with the deity of the space. Ask if they have anything for you. Say what you want to say to them before you fully leave the space.
Then document how that was in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please describe a presiding deity you met. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.26
Wah is the Chinese word to describe the mood of a space.
For example, the mood of the space in which I am writing this experiment is: earnest, nonlinear, collaborative, generative. Good movies successfully create a certain mood into which they invite you to 'snap' into: nostalgic, soft, elongated or fast-pace, adrenaline rush, etc...
Start by noticing the Wah of the space of the picture on the right (or above if you are reading this on a phone).
The experiment is for the next 10 spaces you enter, notice the Wah, the mood/quality of the space and write their description in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write about a weird Wah that you discovered. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.27
Thoughtware is what you use to think with.
You are using very outdated Thoughtware it is time to try something else.
This Experiment is about noticing things using Thoughtware that is different from the Thoughtware you have.
Identify three memes that are different from the Thoughtware that you have, and for an hour use the new meme like a pair of glasses through which you can notice things differently.
You might want to do this experiment several times. For every three hours you are trying on three new meme, set an alarm so that you know when is time for you to use your new memes.
For example, if you have the Thoughtware, "I hate the cold," try on, "Cold is wonderful." If you have, "Men are selfish," try on "Men love to help others." If you have, "Women are too sensitive," try, "Women's feelings bring valuable information." "I am poor," try, "I have abundance in many ways." If you have, "I don't have time to exercise," try on "I am active all day in many different ways."
Write down in your Beep! Book what you noticed when you were using the new memes: what happened in the space? What voices came up in your mind when you used a different meme? What did the voices say? Was there an emotion creeping in?
Go through the Emotional Healing Processes necessary to create more space for new memes and noticing.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please say what thoughtware you noticed with. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.28
Potential is something that is possible to be there but is not there.
So often we assume that because potential isn't potentialized, brought into reality, that it is not possible for it to be there yet.
This experiment is to help build your ability to notice potential.
Choose one person in your life who you see and talk to regularly, or who you will see and talk with regularly for one week.
While you are interacting with them, Split Your Attention so that part of your attention is scanning for potential. What does the person "have in them" that is not visible yet? Notice how what they can do and what they have might expand into something so far invisible.
At least once a day during this week, document in your BEEP! Book the potential you notice in this person.
Notice what happens from noticing their potential. How do you relate to them differently?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.28 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one potential you found in the other. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.29
If you can make your noticing public in a space, you will bring other people's noticing along with you. Thus you are navigating space through noticing.
Try consciously noticing things out loud like:
- "I notice that you didn't use any colour words"
- "I notice that you are speaking at the speed of mind"
- "I notice that the way you are relating to John is that you are not flowing him any power"
- "I notice that the way you are relating to Mary is that you are not noticing what she's noticing so you aren't including her in the conversation"
This kind of reporting is not an interpretation, it does not include story, it is actually a physics conversation, about physics and energetics. As soon as somebody adds in a story, like "Your Gremlin always takes over," it destroys the refinement because people have to defend themselves against the stories, the assumptions and expectations that occur with that.
So the noticing and the reporting the noticing is like leading what's possible in a space through noticing certain things. You notice territories, like if you go an a walk with a botanist, they notice certain things in the forest that would be very different from what you would notice if you were going on the same exact walk with a fisherman or with a city dweller, or with a scatologist, somebody who studies shit. What people notice gives the journey qualities, so you are leading through noticing.
You are also leading through what's allowed to be noticed. For example, if you're going on a walk again, and you're walking up hill and people are noticing how tired and hot they are or how long the journey is, that kind of noticing has an effect. So the leading of that kind of noticing is a burden, a resistance to the space. Notice the kinds of people who notice that cause a burden and a resistance to the space, and that can be enquired upon but a lot of that has to do with Gremlin and Emotional Healing Processes. But the ways to take a space that lead into useful or interesting or entertaining or valuable new territories, this is the skill.
Invite your friends to go on a 2 hour walk with you. During the walk say out loud what is it that you are noticing. Spend the entire walk attempting to guide the group to extraordinary spaces by sharing what you Notice.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please tell us what happened! This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.30
Everything has consequences so why wouldn't noticing?
And if you want something to change i.e. what you are noticing right now: then you need to notice and feel the consequences of your noticing.
Remember: the more intensely you feel the consequences, the fewer messes you are willing to make.
Ask yourself:
- What are the consequences of different kinds of noticing?
- What are the consequences of what you are noticing with? (Gremlin, Box.. etc)
- What are the consequences of what other people are noticing?
This experiment is for when you are in a group, to notice what people are noticing and how what they are noticing has consequences for the space. It could be on an outing like a hike or a walk with a group of people, a zoom meeting with your Possibility Team or your Possibilitators Meeting, a visit to your family or while having a meal with your Bridgehouse members.
For a month, everytime you are in a group setting, write down in your Beep! Book all the consequences that you notice that other people's noticing have on a space in a page under the title THE CONSEQUENCES OF NOTICING.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.30 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write what was the biggest shock about what you are creating right now. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.31
There are Three Forces:
- The First Force is generative. It creates through assertion, declaration, affirmation, confirmation, and being a ‘yes’.
- The Second Force is resistive. It destroys through over-criticism, denial, defensiveness, sabotage, and being a ‘no’.
- The Third Force departs from the ‘yes / no’ world by going ‘orthogonal’ into transformational breakdown. (‘Go orthogonal’ means ‘go at right angles to’.) Possibility is the Third Force.
In any space: you can Notice the Three Forces at work.
When someone stands up in the space and says: "I want to change how we run our meetings", that is the First Force.
Then of course, someone else quickly stands up with the message "We can't do that... it would ruin the great teamwork we've got going on here. Things are the way they are for a reason... don't you know?"
Thankfully, the Third Force is also at work and a junior colleague who comes up with a mad Possibility that might just work, speaks up and brings it into the space.
"Lets give it a go" says the Second Force.
For a week, go into one of your groups and notice the three Forces at work. Who is bringing each one into the space? What sentences are being used for each one of the three Forces? In which situations are the three Forces revealing themselves?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one sentence that you noticed for each of the three Forces. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.32
Every group has a group norm of some sort. And there are always those who fight against it. If only you could get rid of them, then finally the group might fly.
Unfortunately, there will always be someone fighting against and if you keep on getting rid of the person that brings the denying force into the space, you will just be left with the biggest asshole in the space. Even if you exclude all the denying forces from the space, it needs to come from somewhere so it will come from outside the space.
This experiment is to go into one of your groups for a week and notice what it would take to include the last guy. The guy farthest away from the group norm who has got the Denying Force surging through him.
Write down in your Beep! Book, all the ways you discovered to include the Denying Force in the space. You can always find a way to include all three forces. This is your chance!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one of the ways you discovered to include the Denying Force. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.33
Every space has a context.
The context establishes the basis for each interaction. In any interaction there is always a context at work, whether you are aware of the context or not.
If you are not aware of the agreements in the Context of your interaction, then Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware is active and the unconscious Context of the general population prevails.
The Space determines what is possible. The Context determines the qualities of the Space.
For this experiment notice the limitations of the context of 5 different spaces and write them in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write one of the limitations that you discovered. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.34
Obtain a copy of Clinton Callahan revised and expanded edition of Conscious Feelings, (available Fall 2022). Go to the Conscious Feelings Index and look up the term: 'noticing' in the Index. Notice how many entries there are in this book about Noticing. Each entry describes a different kind of Doorway for you to enter in your daily Life Of Practice.
Flip to each of the Conscious Feelings pages indicated in the Index and make a list in your Beep! Book with the name of each new kind of Noticing. This will be a list of at least 74 new kinds of Noticing!
Use each item in your list, one day at a time, as the precise kind of Noticing that you practice 10 times that day. Notice how your Noticing deepens in quality and expands in dimensions through this Experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.34 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write what you Noticed about your Noticing. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code NOTICING.35
Every space is connected to every other space.
This means you can get to anywhere from here...
Seeing as the space determines what is possible the space you might want to pay attention!
How to leave the current space and transition to one with more possibility?
By using one of the 9 Gaps of course!
The 9 Gaps are the:
- Gap in Knowing - inside everything you know there is a gap to the Not Knowing.
- Gap in Identity - inside every identity there is a gap to No Identity
- Gap in Noise - inside every noise is gap to Silence
- Gap in Space - inside every space there is a gap to the Nothingness.
- Gap in Time - inside every Time there is a gap to Timelessness
- Gap in Resonance Field - inside every Resonance Field there is a gap to Loneliness
- Gap in Gameworlds - inside every Gameworld there is a gap to No Rules
- Gap in Thoughtware - inside every Thoughtware there is a gap to No Thoughtware
- Gap in Communications - inside every Communication there is a gap to No Communication
If you can find these Gaps you can go through them to create doorways into new spaces.
This experiment is to spend an entire week ongoingly noticing the 9 gaps. Pick one gap each day and notice it in yourself, the world around you. Go through the gaps and see what doorways you can create on the side!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.35 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write about a gap that changed your life. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.36
You are alive now because you ancestors noticed when it was time to leave.
They left a war zone, a dictatorship, persecution, or a place where a natural disaster was bound to happen...
You were born with an Energetic Body sensitive to timing. It knows when to leave. Will you listen?
The first part of this experiment is to research when your ancestors, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents noticed it was time to go unreasonable and get out of there so that they could survive when others might not have. Interview your parents, and your grandparents.
Write a longhand (written by hand, not typed on the computer) letter to your one of your ancestors telling them that you have just discovered what they did so that you could be alive. Tell them how you feel about it.
The second part of this experiment is to notice in less extreme situations when it is time to leave. When it is time to leave a conversation, a meeting, a team, a project, a gameworld, etc...
For the next 2 days, keep your noticing on when it is time to leave. Notice what is behind the impulse to get out, what is the purpose and the outcome of leaving. Are you trying to avoid responsibility? Are you trying to avoid responsibility that is not yours? Are you taking responsibility for what is possible?
What is stopping you from being unreasonable and leaving when it is time? Not before, and not after.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.36 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write something you learned about when is the time to leave. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code NOTICING.37
The best way to learn something is to teach it.
Noticing is something.
So teach it!
A WorkTalk is a space to share what you are researching, your discoveries and to take your participants with you on a discovery journey of experimenting and sharing.
This is not school so you do not need to have all the answers to offer a WorkTalk. You are not the teacher, the authority or the person who knows. You are researcher as is everyone else in the space. You are going on a Discovery Journey together.
This experiment is to create a WorkTalk about Noticing. Choose 3 distinctions about Noticing that you want to share. Create a few experiments (or use some from this website). Make a flyer and send it out to Your Circle. Take bookings. Ask people for €10.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.37 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write the name of your WorkTalk. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code NOTICING.38
Obtain a copy of Clinton Callahan revised and expanded edition of Conscious Feelings, (available Fall 2022). Go to the Conscious Feelings Index and look up the term: 'noticing' in the Index. Notice how many entries there are in this book about Noticing. Each entry describes a different kind of Doorway for you to enter in your daily Life Of Practice.
Flip to each of the Conscious Feelings pages indicated in the Index and make a list in your Beep! Book with the name of each new kind of Noticing. This will be a list of at least 74 new kinds of Noticing!
Use each item in your list, one day at a time, as the precise kind of Noticing that you practice 10 times that day. Notice how your Noticing deepens in quality and expands in dimensions through this Experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NOTICING.38 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write what you Noticed about your Noticing. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code NOTICING.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!